Períodicos Democracia Obrera
El Organizador Obrero Internacional



Suplementos DO


December 2016

On the passing away of Fidel Castro

The leader of the capitalist restoration in Cuba has died

On November 25, 2016 Fidel Castro passed away. After a ceremony lasting more than a week, his body has been cremated. In the face of this event followed by the mainstream media all over the world, important sectors of the bourgeoisie and the whole international left has honored him, revitalizing his figure and presenting him before the exploited of the world as a “revolutionary leader” and “creator, organizer and leader of the Cuban revolution”.
We Trotskyists who feel part of the glorious Cuban revolution, who have always defended its gains for decades and confronted the Stalinist bureaucracy with the program of political revolution as part of the international socialist revolution, affirm that before dying, Fidel has concluded, regrettably, his primary and fundamental task: the capitalist restoration in Cuba.
The liquidators of the Fourth International paid their respects to the largest and most representative Stalinist leader of the CCP, restorative of capitalism on the island. He was bidden farewell with “Hasta la victoria siempre” (Until victory, forever) claiming him as “the leader of the Cuban and Latin American revolution.” The renegades of Trotskyism embrace and embellish Stalinism and its leaders who for decades have prevented every revolution in Americas from succeeding fully and effectively as a socialist revolution within the United States and the whole continent, like the Cuban revolution. The death of Fidel Castro highlights who really defend the Cuban revolution and set up a program for the victory of the socialist revolution in Latin America and the world, as those who uphold his figure do nothing but uphold the cruel defeats that Castro-Stalinism brought on the international proletariat.
The so-called “New Left” and its representatives like the FIT in Argentina vindicate Fidel Castro; at most, they “criticize” him for having been “responsible for the bureaucratization of the Cuban regime.” They only reflect old theses of capitulators to Stalinism who say it has a “dual character o nature”; i.e., on the one hand it is “revolutionary” and on the other hand, “bureaucratic.” With this “theory” they justify their support for decades of Stalinism, their abandonment of the struggle for political revolution in the former workers’ states and their submission to all reformist and bureaucratic leaderships of all kinds.
The Trotskyist thesis is opposed by the vertex. As we shall discuss in this article, we affirm that Stalinism has only one “nature”: it is counterrevolutionary. The Fourth International clearly stated in the 1930s that without the progress of the world revolution and without the victory of a political revolution, the Stalinist bureaucracy, while defending the workers’ state in its own way with the aim of maintaining its privileges, actually endangered it and weakened it at every step; sooner or later the worker state bureaucracy would end up becoming the direct agent of the world bourgeoisie within the worker state, overthrowing the new forms of property and restoring capitalism. This is what happened in the former USSR, Eastern Europe, China, Vietnam, and today Cuba.
Bidding Fidel Castro farewell with honors and presenting him as the “leader of the Cuban and Latin American revolution” amounts to embracing the Castro-Stalinist theory that “socialism on a sole island” is possible without struggling to extend the revolution to the imperialist countries. Claiming Fidel Castro as leader of the revolution and socialism before the exploited of the world is so that they do not repeat again (neither in Cuba nor in the world) the heroic workers' and poor peasants' revolution of 1959 -which demonstrated that the living conditions of the exploited can only be improved by expropriating imperialism and the native bourgeoisie. The Castroites and their supporters want to convince us that “socialism” is a worker earning a 18 dollars-wage and suffering enormous hardships; that this is the maximum that a revolution can bring. Declaring -as the PO leadership did- that the “best tribute to Fidel is to continue the struggle for socialism,” is to take responsibility for each of his betrayals to the revolution, to place oneself in the trenches of those who supported -like the Castro brothers- and continue supporting genocidal Al Assad who is massacring the Syrian people on behalf of imperialism; it is also making oneself responsible for the defeat the capitalist restoration in Cuba means for the world working class.
We Trotskyists do not pay homage to the Stalinist executioner of the socialist revolution; we affirm that socialism will come by seizing power and expropriating the bourgeoisie in the central imperialist countries where the most advanced of the productive forces of humanity are concentrated. Fidel Castro was an enemy to this strategy, he never called on the US working class to make the socialist revolution in the US, and he ended up embracing Obama to becoming, he and his cronies, a new bourgeoisie on the island.
We do honor the workers and revolutionary peasants who in Cuba and throughout the continent have given their lives fighting imperialism in defense of the Cuban revolution and that suffered one and a thousand betrays by the Stalinists, who backstabbed them. The Cuban working class and poor peasants as well as their peers in the Americas will once again stand on their feet. The traitors, who betrayed and sold them out, never will!


Before he died, Fidel Castro had fulfilled
his objective: with the Obama-Castro
pact capitalism in Cuba has been restored with the US flag fluttering in Havanna

The twenty-first century began with enormous revolutionary mass battles throughout the Americas. The mass forces and their allies were to stand again in Ecuador, Venezuela, Argentina, Bolivia, Mexico and the United States to defeat the imperialist blockade of Cuba, and to make that revolution once again be the vanguard of a single socialist revolution throughout the entire continent. However, this was directly against the interests, not only of imperialism, but also of the former Castroite bureaucracy that was trying to restore capitalism in Cuba and becoming a new bourgeoisie. To do this, it had to control, abort and defeat the generalized revolutionary rise that was crossing the continent. The scam of the “Bolivarian revolution” was set in motion to expropriate the workers and peasants’ revolution on the Americas. Fidel’s last trip out of the island was intended for him to head up in person this task.
In 2003, in Buenos Aires, Castro pronounced an extensive speech before thousands of people, putting all the authority he had usurped to the Cuban revolution at the service of subjecting the revolutionary mass struggle to the feet of the native bourgeoisies and imposing the farce of the “Bolivarian revolution”.
The same renegades of Trotskyism who today present Fidel as “the leader of the Latin American revolution” were who presented Castro and held him the microphone for that speech. In front of 2001 revolutionary Argentina and its cry “All of them should go away and not a single one should remain!”, Fidel affirmed that Kirchner had to be supported, so everybody was put to produce and soon that government was going to make the wealth trickle down; that it was not the time to make “new Cubas” as it was one of ideas and not of violent revolutions. The goal of the old World Social Forum Bolivarians and Castro’s so-called “socialism of the 21st century” was to prevent the expropriation of imperialism and the native bourgeoisie that 1959 Cuba had performed.
Castro’s and the WSF policy was, supported on the left by the renegades of Trotskyism, to prevent Ecuador, Venezuela, Argentina, Bolivia from being “new Cubas.” This was the essence of the “Bolivarian revolution” scam expropriating the workers and peasants’ revolution, which resulted in the Boli-bourgeoisie applying IMF and transnationals’ plans and Cuba being a capitalist semi colony again.
On this basis, the Obama-Castro Pact was consummated. This was crucial to legitimizing the US imperialist staff in the midst of the global crisis. At times of the greatest catastrophe and putrefaction of the world capitalist system, Castro preached that socialism was no longer possible. Castro and Chavez called for a vote for the “blackened Bush”; they destroyed the “Occupy Wall Street” movement that told the exploited of the world that their enemies were the 1% of parasites that plunder the planet. Castroism subjected the US working class and the workers and poor peasants of the Americas to so-called “democratic Obama” who assumed power. 
The Obama-Castro pact was the culmination of the expropriation of the Latin American revolution and as such, the fundamental institution that imposed the capitalist restoration in Cuba, with the CCP leaders becoming a new bourgeoisie on the island, associated with transnational corporations and under command of the US embassy that returned to the island.
But before that, the last service provided by Castro was to guarantee the so-called “peace negotiations in Colombia” sponsored from Havana as headquarters. This meant the surrender and massacre of Colombian resistance and the legitimacy of the seven military bases of US imperialism in Colombia targeting the exploited of the entire continent. This was the last counterrevolutionary coup that gave assurances to the new Castro bourgeoisie that it could lift US flag in Cuba unhindered.
Fidel has died, but not without first liquidating the conquests of the Cuban revolution one by one and restoring capitalism, stating that “socialism is no longer viable even in Cuba.” Thus the bureaucrats now become into new rich have restored the right of inheritance and private property; they handed the land over to “cooperatives” where big money put on a make-up to keep everything back; they finally opened the borders to the imperialist transnationals with free zones as in Puerto Mariel, definitively liquidating the monopoly of foreign trade and the planned economy. To this true tragedy against the Cuban and world working class, the renegades of Trotskyism as the PO titled the arrival of the US embassy to the island: “David beat Goliath”. The destroyers of the Fourth International have become true Castro-Stalinists!
The Miami “gusanos” and their chief Trump came to the streets to celebrate the death of the leader of the CPC. They, the exploiters have much to celebrate, as they are returning to Havanna along with Coca-Cola and Morgan Bank.
What they celebrate is not the death of Castro, but thanks to the new rich “gusanos” in fatigues of the CCP, the Miami parasites and imperialist big bourgeoisie will return to the same hotels and brothels they used to visit when Cuba was governed by Batista’s dictatorship... They celebrate that the capitalist restoration on the island has left them cheap labor for a 18 dollars-wage to be exploited in the new maquila of Puerto Mariel, a true “free zone” for the imperialist transnationals. 
Fidel Castro’s last service to imperialism was to guarantee US flag fluttering in Havanna and Cargill controlling Cuba, just at a time when more than ever, before imperialist bankruptcy, the only alternative is: socialist revolution or wars and fascism.
The PO, PTS and the whole “New Left” go out to vindicate Fidel Castro, presenting him as a “great revolutionary” to legitimize capitalist restoration. They present Fidel as the “leader of socialism” to convince, like Stalinism does, the exploited masses that the bourgeoisie should not be expropriated, that the proletarian revolution in the United States is not necessary for us to really advance to socialism with the most advanced industry, technology and science in the hands of the working class.
They want to deceive the masses by saying that it is possible to develop “socialism on a single island” and that there is no other way than to agree with imperialism. The renegades of Trotskyism vindicate Fidel Castro because they want to hide the revolution, they want to hide that it is possible and necessary to expropriate imperialism and demolish the bourgeois state as was done in Cuba in 1959. 
Vindicating Fidel Castro after decades of his betrayal to Latin American revolution, after his having sold out the Chilean revolution of the Cordones Industriales (industrial belts- name given to the Chilean soviet embryos, NT) of ‘73 proclaiming the “peaceful road to socialism”; after his 1980s betray to the Central American revolution being the guarantor to signing the pacts of Esquipulas and Contadora with which the Salvadoran and Nicaraguan revolutions were sold out; after he was also the guarantor that the scam of the “Bolivarian revolution” could impose the worst of miseries on the masses… after all that, and now after his pact with Obama; after being guarantor of the surrender and massacre of the Colombian resistance; after he hoisted the gringo flag in Havanna... claiming Fidel as “the leader of the revolution” amounts to reneging the socialist revolution and to become in neo-Stalinists.

It is now clear why so much vindication of Stalinist Gramsci on the part of the PTS, the English SWP and all the currents that have reneged Trotskyism. The reason is they have adopted Stalinist policy and so their program is to fight for “a superior democracy” as Del Caño and the FIT leaders affirm, or that “the socialism is a leap to the void” as the former candidate for the FIT, PO’s Altamira has affirmed. Their recipe is that the working class can improve its general standard of living under the capitalist regime “by filling the national parliament and the (provincial) legislatures with leftist deputies.” Therefore the PTS, the PO, the English SWP and all the destroyers of the Fourth International pay homage to the Stalinists restorers of capitalism.
We Trotskyists are not going to keep quiet and silence our struggle against Stalinism and the new rich of the CCP, who are bidding farewell to their leader today; we will not renege the struggle for socialist revolution and with patience we will convince the vanguard of the working class and the youth of the whole world that it is not revolutionary who legitimizes, supports and supplies genocidal Al Assad against the Syrian revolution as Castroism and its partners have done and continue doing.


To justify their support for restorative Castroites, the destroyers of the Fourth International resort to the old scam of the “dual nature of Stalinist bureaucracy”

For decades, false Trotskyists recognized Castroism as “the greatest revolutionary leadership after Lenin.” There was not a single current of the liquidators of Trotskyism that did not raise this thesis throughout the sixties.
All the tendencies of liquidators of Trotskyism adopted the Pabloite thesis of an alleged “dual nature of the Stalinist bureaucracy,” that is, “revolutionary and bureaucratic at the same time.” It was the theory to justify Pabloism after Yalta which had dissolved much of the parties of the Fourth International within the CP under the argument of an “imminent clash between the capitalist camp and the socialist camp,” thus embracing Stalinism.
Though, their theory about the existence of “two camps” in conflict was a fraud. In reality, there was a single capitalist economy where class struggle prevailed; therefore, the Fourth International program proposed that, in order to defend the former workers’ states, it was a must to throw down the Stalinist bureaucracy with a political revolution, and that this was one of the tasks of the world socialist revolution.
In the face of Fidel’s death, all the “New Left” parties and currents, as the FIT in Argentina, revived the thesis about  Castro-Stalinism being both “revolutionary and bureaucratic at the same time” and therefore for them the right attitude is criticizing its regressive aspects and supporting its revolutionary measures. This is to deny the fight of the Fourth International against Stalinism and all kinds of treacherous bureaucracies.
The bureaucracy is the agent of the bourgeoisie in the ranks of the working class. Taking this debate to a lower level, as for example in a union struggle, what the FIT means is that when a bureaucrat leads a struggle, a strike or mobilization, he would be developing his “revolutionary side”. For the Trotskyists, when a bureaucrat is at the head of the struggle, he is trying to legitimize himself in order to better betray the workers. This law ruled Stalinism in the former workers states and also rules in the smallest of the unions led by the bureaucracy.
The Trotskyist thesis is that the nature of Stalinism is counterrevolutionary all along the line, and its aim is to liquidate the world revolution to become a new bourgeoisie by selling out the former workers states:
“The longer the USSR remains in the vicinity of capitalism, the deeper the degeneracy of its social fabric. An indefinite isolation must bring, not the establishment of a national communism but the restoration of capitalism”. (Trotsky, L.D., The Revolution Betrayed, 1937). That is the Trotskyist thesis and this is what happened in the former USSR, Eastern Europe, China, Vietnam, and now in Cuba!


The renegades of Trotskyism embrace the Stalinist epics about the Cuban revolution

In the face of Fidel’s death, the “New Left” and within it the FIT, has definitively added to the fraudulent epics of Castro-Stalinism, which it has defined as “leader of the Cuban and Latin American revolution”, thus covering the backs of the new rich restorers of the CCP.
They want to hide the truth of the Cuban revolution and the role of Castro-Stalinism since the very victory of the revolution in 1959. They want to hide that the Cuban revolution succeeded, molded by the conditions of the post-World War II Yalta Pact by which Stalinism had signed with imperialism the so-called “peaceful coexistence” whose objective was that the CP fundamentally prevented the triumph of the socialist revolution in the central imperialist countries and also, albeit secondarily, in the semi-colonies. In return, “democratic imperialism” (as Stalinism defined it) guaranteed to Stalinism the administration of the USSR and Eastern Europe, the source of the privileges of the counterrevolutionary bureaucracy.
The best expression of this policy was “The Berlin Wall” raised by Stalinism in Germany to stop, surround and defeat the socialist revolution that was in the works in Europe.
Stalinism fulfilled blood and fire the Yalta Pact, defeating the world revolution, physically crushing revolutions, shooting the revolutionary vanguard and imposing the policy of popular front and class collaboration with the native bourgeoisies in the semi-colonies. For this reason, the revolutions betrayed and aborted by Stalinism during the Yalta Pact period were the norm. The triumph of the Cuban revolution, as well as the revolutions in China, Yugoslavia, North Korea and Vietnam and the expropriation of the bourgeoisie in Eastern Europe, was an exception to this rule.
These exceptions had been envisaged as hypotheses by Trotsky and the Fourth International: “(…) the theoretical possibility cannot be rejected that, under the influence of completely exceptional circumstances (war, defeat, financial crash, the revolutionary pressure of the masses, etc.), the petty-bourgeois parties, including the Stalinist ones, can go further than they themselves want on the path of a break with the bourgeoisie”. (Trotsky, LD, The Transitional Program, 1938). This is what happened in China, Vietnam and Cuba.
However, the Yalta Pact transformed these tactical triumphs of the revolution (being semi-colonial countries) in the hands of petty bourgeois leaders, into the strengthening the Stalinist counterrevolutionary leadership to strangle the world socialist revolution and to open the way to capitalist restoration of the former worker states.
Far from the Castro-Stalinist legend that the Cuban revolution was made by the “bearded men” coming down from the Sierra Maestra, what happened in 1958, as part of an upsurge in the international class struggle, was a powerful insurrectional general strike in La Havana that lasted 5 days and dislocated the army of Batista and his entire regime. The guerrillas of Fidel Castro and his M26 movement had spent months in military operations on the mountain separated from the proletarian and peasant masses that were leading a huge revolutionary rise against the pro-imperialist dictatorship that had plunged the island into the worst misery. The General Insurrectional Strike of late 58 and early 1959 was the absolute guarantee of the triumph of the revolution.
What the renegades of Trotskyism want to hide is that Fidel’s policy was not the triumph of the socialist revolution in Cuba or on the continent. This is what Fidel Castro himself said in an interview given in New York in April 1959, “I have told you in a clear and definitive way that we are not Communists. The doors are open to private investments that contribute to the development of industry in Cuba. It is absolutely impossible for us to make progress if we do not share an understanding with the United States”.
After the defeat of Batista, they quickly improvised a “democratic” government of popular front, putting Urrutia in the presidency, who was a son of a legendary family of the Cuban oligarchy. But the workers and peasants advanced in the revolution and occupied all factories, fields, houses and mansions, hotels and private clinics; the revolutionary masses expropriated everything in their path and were not willing to surrender what they had conquered.
The bourgeois democratic government of Urrutia supported and propped up by Fidel could do nothing against the advance of the proletarian revolution. Thus, that party-army of guerrillas, which had to go beyond its intentions, objectives, politics and strategy, forced by the revolutionary masses, assumed power.
The Cuban revolution was a socialist revolution, driven by the demands of bread and land; its tasks were to solve national independence and the agrarian revolution, i.e., the rupture with imperialism and the expropriation of the native and transnational bourgeoisie and the oligarchy.
We Trotskyists assert that Castroism was then one of the Stalinist petty bourgeois currents who, by applying the Yalta Pact policy, of “peaceful coexistence with imperialism” and of preventing the triumph of the socialist revolution in the central countries, played the role of expropriator to the triumphant socialist revolution in Cuba, the first of the American continent. We reaffirm this, because from the first moment in 1959, Castroism conspired under Moscow’s Stalinist leadership in order to prevent the Cuban revolution from expanding to the rest of Central America and fundamentally for it not reaching, developing and succeeding in the interior of the United States.

In Cuba, then, due to the character of its leadership, what emerged was a deformed workers’ state, i.e. a dictatorship of the proletariat controlled from the outset by a counterrevolutionary bureaucracy hostile to the socialist world revolution. A true “Berlin Wall” was set up on the American continent - in analogy to the wall erected by Stalinism in Germany so that the socialist revolution would not succeed in Europe at the end of World War II. That is why the Cuban revolution was a great triumph of the exploited of the world, albeit a tactical triumph, because by the counterrevolutionary character of its leadership, this tactical triumph would be used against the working class and the world revolution, becoming a strategic defeat.


Once again on the “nature” of Castro-Stalinism
The renegades of Trotskyism want to hide that Castroism was the guarantor of the defeat of the revolutionary rise of 68-74 and the continuance of the restorationist bureaucracy of Moscow that surrendered former USSR to imperialism

As we have shown, Stalinism transformed the Cuban revolution, which had awakened the enthusiasm of the exploited throughout the Americas and the world, in a conspiracy center to prevent world revolution. The Stalinists used the authority and prestige of the nascent revolution as a fundamental tool of legitimization and self-support to guarantee not only new betrayals to the world revolution but also to advance their counterrevolutionary blows into the former USSR.
In the general revolutionary rise of 1968 -’74, the most important struggles of the proletariat were confronted with the counterrevolutionary obstacle of the Communist Party. In French May the Stalinists were expelled from assemblies, barricades, and occupations of factories and universities. The 1968 -’74 rise was also against Stalinism and therefore the role of Castroism was decisive in preventing the revolutions within a series of imperialist powers from being combined with processes of political revolution in the USSR and Eastern Europe and the revolution in the colonies and semi-colonies. Fidel Castro and “Che” Guevara were the great figures for the masses in Europe, and Moscow Stalinism well knew how to use them to abort and defeat the widespread upheaval.
The PTS, PO and other representatives of the New Left of Trotskyist renegades affirm that Fidel “was a revolutionary leader.” It is a blatant lie and deception; they know full well that Castro, usurping the Cuban revolution and using its authority, was decisive to prevent, with the policy of the popular front, the triumph of a chain of revolutions in Africa where he subjected both the proletariat and the peasants to bourgeois nationalism and ended up defending Rockefeller’s oil wells. Fidel openly supported the massacres of the Red Army like that in Czechoslovakia and was crucial to revitalizing the hated CPs before the toiling masses. Without Castro, Stalinism could not have betrayed and destroyed the world 1968 -’74 upheavals. Without Castroism and without usurping “Che’s flags” with which they buried the revolution on the American continent, the CP could not have made a leap in its goal of restoring capitalism in the former USSR. This was the “Berlin Wall” of the usurpation of the Cuban revolution, which is being handed over today by the same filthy Stalinist Castroism that has become a new bourgeoisie restoring capitalism. This is what the FIT leaders want to hide!
Of what “dual nature” of Castroism do the renegades of Trotskyism speak about, when they say that Fidel was a “revolutionary leader” and at the same time “responsible for the bureaucratization of Cuba”?
Fidel’s first trip after the triumph of the Cuban revolution was to the United States to be held accountable that he would never push the socialist revolution into the heart of the imperialist beast, and later he set out to traverse Latin America to say that there could be no “new Cubas,” that they were pushing “socialism into one country, on a single island” and that it was necessary to develop “socialism through a peaceful way” and to support the “progressive bourgeoisie”, thus disarming the masses and giving them up to imperialist fierce repression as it was in revolutionary Chile in 1973.

This was the international policy of Castroism, while in the interior of Cuba he pursued a policy of bureaucratic counterrevolution, liquidating any workers’ democracy, persecuting and imprisoning all workers who criticized the regime, promoting the reactionary utopia of socialism in a single country, whose continuity was the international policy of preventing “new Cubas” across the continent. This guaranteed that Castroism would establish itself as a bureaucracy, a petty bourgeois caste that lived in Cuba from privileges for the administration of the worker state. As the international socialist revolution meant the defeat of its privileges both were and are irreconcilable. The policy of Castroism was what fenced the Cuban revolution and led Latin American revolution to thousands of defeats.
No current of the renegades of post-war Trotskyism has failed to sustain Castroism and claim it as a revolutionary leadership; for 57 years they have been supporting it from the left and snubbing the struggle for political revolution. Now that Fidel has died, they vindicate him as their leader, so they must be responsible and answer for the years of betrayal of the leader who even decorated and honored Ramón Mercader, the murderer of Leon Trotsky.


Fidel Castro, supporter of Al Assad and
his genocide against the Syrian revolution
on behalf of imperialism

In 2011, in response to the imperialist crack that was thrown on the backs and stomachs of the oppressed peoples of the world, there started powerful revolutions for bread in the Maghreb and Middle East. As links of the same revolutionary chain, insurrections erupted in Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain… In Libya the workers and popular militias demolished the state and even charged the head of that slave trader to Europe that was Khadafy. In Syria, mass mobilizations -from a single revolution in the Maghreb and Middle East- began to demand the fall of the regime, the fall of Dictator Al Assad.
The workers of the world looked at that hot spot on the map; in Europe a new wave of struggles began to unfold; in the US the anti-war movement interspersed with the Occupy Wall Street movement; we were on the threshold of a new revolutionary general ascent of masses.
This in Latin America had its correlate with the first hard fighting against the Bolivarian governments and again the working class, and the Bolivian peasants placed themselves in the vanguard, in hard general strikes against Evo Morales.

Meanwhile the renegades of Trotskyism said that North Africa and the Middle East were not revolutions for bread, that is to say, workers’ and socialist revolutions that stood up, but “Arab spring”, “democratic revolutions”, etc., and Castroism put in a state of alert, understanding with insight and full clarity the danger that lurked in the final stretch of it plan to become a bourgeoisie. 

Actually these revolutions for the bread were against the “Bolivarians” and supposedly “anti-imperialists” of that side of the world. Their triumph would mean a huge leap for the world revolution and this was directly against the Obama-Castro pact that was taking firm steps for the capitalist restoration in Cuba.
For this reason the Castro at the head of the Bolivarians led in Latin America the support and promotion to Al Assad’s genocide, when on behalf of imperialism he began the bloodiest counterrevolution of the last decades.
The Castro, the Chavez, the Evo Morales actively mobilized to crush the Syrian revolution and the Cuban state commanded by the new rich even sent part of its officialty to collaborate with the genocidal troops of Bashar. The new rich of the CCP and the Bolivarians are the Al Assads of Latin America!
Anybody paying respects to Castro, as the renegades to Trotskyism do, is vindicating somebody who has put all his forces at the service of physically crushing the Syrian revolution before dying. They must take responsibility before the masses of the world!


The genocide against the Syrian
revolution and the capitalist
restoration in Cuba are two hard counterrevolutionary blows to the
masses of the world that will not
remain unpunished

For a new socialist revolution in Cuba
that will successfully and effectively triumph in a socialist US!

In Cuba a new socialist revolution is needed that expropriates the transnationals and also the new rich of the CCP in the island. Only this way the Cuban people will be able to reopen the way for leaving the misery in which they have been sunk as an outcome of the restorative politics of Castroism. Out with the clique of the Castro brothers and the new rich of the CCP, partners to European and US imperialism! Open the way to the restoration of the Cuban worker state under a revolutionary shape! Open the way to the Cuban working class! Open the way to socialist revolution!

The generations that gave their lives for revolutionary Cuba have not done so to enrich the new bourgeois of the Castroite Armed Forces and its clique, they have not done so to flutter the US flag in Havana and let the transnationals have free zones to do their business.

The renegades to Trotskyism, like the PTS, refuse to call to defeating Castroism under the pretext of “defending the conquests of revolution”. Counterfeiters! They want to hide that the only way to defend what little can be left of the achievements of the heroic Cuban people is defeating the Castro government and resuming the revolution of 1959, which can only succeed as a chapter of the Socialist United States of North and South America!

This can only be achieved by a new revolution, with the Cuban workers and peasants standing up their own councils with workers’ democracy, expelling the CCP and its police “Committees of defense of the revolution”, and fighting for bread and land to defeat the Castro regime and all its institutions

For an interim revolutionary government of the councils of workers, peasants, and rank and file soldiers based on self-organization and direct democracy of the masses!

This is the struggle of those who fight to re-found the Fourth International of 1938, the party of the world socialist revolution that will restore its Cuban section.


Editorial Board of Democracia Obrera
(Workers Democracy) paper
