Períodicos Democracia Obrera
El Organizador Obrero Internacional



Suplementos DO

7th july, 2014


From Chile, stand up with the Palestinian masses
against the slaughter of the Zionsit fascist State of Israel

Hours after the genocide and terrorist troops of the Zionism invaded Gaza, after it bombed for days the Palestinian masses under the orders of imperialism, on Saturday (July 19) thousands of people got the streets of Chile.   
The demonstration was called by the Palestinian community and different student organizations such as ACES and CONFECH, this demonstration in support to the Palestinian masses was an action held in Santiago, while in different places of the country meetings and other actions were held to repudiate the slaughter of the Zionist state.

In Santiago the demonstration was at 10 am to demonstrate in front of the embassy of the Zionist state of Israel and then we marched to the embassy of US imperialism, Obama and those imperialist pirates who order the genocide of the Zionism against the Palestinian masses and from all North of Africa and Middle East to smash the revolution in the entire region.  
It was an international mass demonstration with a huge Palestine flag denouncing openly in each poster and in each song, the terrorist attack of the Israel State.

The Trotskyist of POI-CI/FLTI (Collective for the 4th International) intervene in this demonstration from our place, under the war cry of “we will come back to Palestine, capital Jerusalem”, “Israel is going to fall” and for Zionism destruction, in Middle East a single revolution”, denouncing the terrorist aggression of imperialism and the Zionist stet against the Palestinian masses, fighting for the destruction of the  Zionist State of Israel, for a free secular democratic and non racist Palestine with capital in Jerusalem, for the freedom of all the Palestinian political prisoners as Issawi family, calling to break the siege to Gaza as the unions and Palestinian youth is calling, to stop the contra revolutionary war machinery of Obama, Putin and Zionism and send International Worker Brigades of all the Maghreb and Middle East and all the worker organizations of the world to fight in Gaza and West Bank, calling that the single solution for the exploiters is that from Tunisia to Tripoli and Damascus, from Bagdad to Tehran, a single socialist and worker revolution which will win with the Palestinian flag waving in Jerusalem!

This strike, with no doubt, was a huge internationalist action which should deep so the militant Chilean working class and the youth fights with the Palestinian masses against the slaughter of the Zionist state of Israel, led by the US imperialism, those imperialist murderers of the world masses, the same ones who plunder and super exploit and hunger the masses of Chile and the oppressed world! A single class, a single fight! Stand up with the tormented Palestinian masses!

Let’s stop the Zionism against the Palestinian masse!
For the destruction of the Zionist-fascist state of Israel!
For the working class and the exploited live, imperialism must die!