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Facing the Bicentenary celebration of the Exploiters that belong to the governemtn and opposition, sellers out of the nation to imperialism, followers of the slaughters of the working class such as Varela, Falcon, Videla…

Everybody out, nobody left!


Only the victory of the socialist revolution can free the nation from the imperialism



- The reactionary utopia of “Socialism in a one island” leads the Cuban revolution to an abyss.

- Cuba: An exception in the 1989 capitalist restoration processes

- Polemic with the World and Latin American Left

For more than four days the bosses celebrated the “Bicentenary of the mother country”, that was just a huge blackmail against the workers and poor people. The slave drivers bourgeoisie and its corrupted and murderous parties together with the right Church wasted millions of dollars taken from the super exploitation of the working class in order to cover with such “democratic celebration” the most ferocious dictatorship of the capital against the proletariat. Bourgeois democracy and its sweet phrases are about it: democracy to exploit workers, to sell out the nation and its natural resources to imperialism, to plunge into misery the workers and the oppressed masses. It is the democracy that imposes a real genocide against the working youth and massacres, repression and jail to the workers who fight. It is the democracy of the rich ones who hide a murderous state, a band of armed men to defend the private property of the ruling classes.

A celabration of the infamous Social Pact regime of imperialsim, Kirchner’s government, the righ oposition and union bureaucracy.

Even though the bourgeoisie, its government and the “opposition” bosses, convened public meetings separately; the plan of them was to use the celebrations on May 25th to consolidate the expropriation of the anti-imperialist mass fight that had its maximum expression in the revolutionary combats of 2001 and its cry war: Everybody out, nobody left!, not seen in its “tributes and floats”. The celebration of the exploiters was just a celebration to strengthen the infamous regime of the Social Pact of imperialism, the slaver bosses, Kirchner’s government, the “opposition” and the treacherous union bureaucracy of CGT and CTA, and all its institutions. It was the celebration of the anti-worker regime settled by the bourgeoisie expropriating the heroic revolution of 2001 that had unstable all the domination institutions of the bosses. They celebrate together with the slavers of the Argentinean United Industry (UIA) that supported every military coup in this country, and the expropriation of the fight of the exploited masses against the military dictatorship that made disappear 30,000 comrades. And they celebrate the consequent imposition of the reconciliation plan with the genocides Armed Forces. They are the same exploiters that were part of “the des-malvinizador” regime imposed after the military dictatorship that used the terrible national defeat in Malvinas (Falkland Is.) to eliminate the anti-imperialist consciousness of the masses and tied the nation to the imperialism with triple chains.

The Social Pact today guarantees for this lackey bourgeoisie the enslaved wages with its hunger collective bargaining and Salary Council, super-exploitation in the factories, thousands of dismissals, hundreds of thousands of unemployed workers plunged into misery and a terrible repression against the workers fighting. All of this to guarantee a redoubled plunder of the nation by the imperialist bloodsucker monopolies, while the Argentine bourgeoisie, as a junior partner of the transnational companies, gets a slice of the millionaire businesses from Mercosur by exporting to China mainly, that maquila/sweat shop of imperialism.

The celebration of Bicentenary was for making up the true face of the regime of the super reactionary Constitution of 1853/1994 and Kirchner’s government that with total cynicism stated that “unlike the Centenary, in this Bicentenary we can celebrate it with democracy and freedom”. Gangsters! In the eves of the Bicentenary- a parade of hypocrisy- the bosses, its regime and its government repressed brutally by shooting, as they did two days later, on May 28th  , the unemployed workers who demanded decent jobs and blockaded route 34 in Mosconi, North of Salta -land plundered by the oil companies. It is the anti-worker regime and government that under the command of the oil imperialistic companies had in their jails for 3 years Las Heras workers, torturing them daily. Today they have other three comrades of Las Heras in the same jails of the transnational companies; they had put in prison more than 5 comrades and piqueteros (picketers) leaders of North of Salta and they still keep “Tyson” Fernandez in jail; they also keep Martino Roberto, leader of FAR-MTR, in jail as hostage because he mobilized in solidarity with the Palestinian people; and more than 5,600 workers and popular fighters continue prosecuted by the boss justice. It was under this regime of “Social Pact” and Kirchner government that the teacher Fuentealba was killed, and the Kirchnerist civil servant Varizat with his truck 4x4 ran over Santa Cruz teachers who were in strike in 2007, and provoked the disappearance of Julio Lopez and Luciano Arruga.

It is such an anti-worker and repressive government as the one of Menem that killed Victor Choque and Teresa Rodriguez, as the one of Duhalde that killed Kostequi and Santillán in Pueyrredón Bridge, or De la Rúa one that killed the martyrs of December 20th in 2001. The bosses’ justice once finalized the celebrations on May 25th found De la Rúa not guilty of all charges and blames for the assassination of that December 20th. This is what in the Bicentenary was kept in silent! Democratic Bicentenary? … BULLSHIT!

This is the right-wing Bicentenary hidden behind the bosses’ speech of “national unity” in their celebrations, with their boxes, fireworks, celebrations, parade and a millionaire waste. “National Unity” to conciliate the working class and the exploited masses with the bosses, their government, parties and mainly with the Armed Forces, all agents of imperialism and sellers out of the nation. With that mother country speech the bourgeoisie manipulated the national feeling of layers of the masses - in a country plundered by imperialism and with a national defeat on its shoulders like Malvinas- to control, and expropriate and end up eliminating them.

In this way, they silenced and hid under seven keys the real national unity taken place in the streets on December 2001 forging the worker and popular alliance, that is the only unity of the exploited masses of the nation, the only unity that under the working class leadership can break with the chains that tie the nation to imperialism and settle accounts with the exploiters.

They are the ones who kept in silent and eliminated the slogan of “Everybody out, nobody left!”, and celebrated in the Bicentenary the return of all the exploiter parties and sellers out of the nation to imperialism. They celebrated they  are the continuity of the greatest murderous of the Argentine working class: Colonel Falcón who in 1909 assassinated tens of workers in the so-called “Red Week” that stained Plaza Lorea with working blood for ever; the government of the radical Yrigoyen that with the army killed the workers of Vasena Factories in 1919; the Lieutenant Colonel Varela and other murders of Rebellious Patagonia (La Patagonia rebelde); Perón, Isabel and Lopez Rega government that organized Triple A to kill the worker vanguard in the ´70, raiding the way and opening the path to the bloody dictatorship of Videla supported by all the boss parties like PJ and UCR. It was the Bicentenary of the followers of the old oligarchy with the same shit smell!

The Latin American governments, lackey of imperialism, support the regime of social pact to expropiate the revolutionary struggle of the masses

The plan applied by the bourgeoisie with its celebrations of Bicentenary and anti-worker policy is the same one that was supported and strenghtened by Latin American governmets lackeys of imperialism, like Chavez, Morales, Lula, Correa, etc. They are the same ones who gathered in WSF and led by Fidel Castro, they expropriated the revolutionary and anti-imperialist combats in the early 21st Century. The spokemen of the fake “Bolivarian Revolution” participated in the celebaration, that is, who strangled: the revolution in Ecuador in 2000 and Bolivia in 2003-2005; the revolutionary uprising of venezuelan masses who defeated the pro-US coup while Chavez was hid as a coward; the big fights of the Chilean working class and youth who faced the pinochetist regime of FTA in 2006; the revolutionary uprising of the communers of Oaxaca (Mexico) 2007; and the awakening of US working class that was fighting against Iraq imperialist war and for the immigrants’ rights.

Chavez came; he hugged fascist Uribe over the blood of the Colombian resistance. Morales came, who pacted with fascist Media Luna who murdered tens of exploited. Zelaya came, who ran away like a rat after the US military coup and then made a pact with the coupers selling out the heroic resistance of the masses who let their martyrs on the streets. These are those fake lackeys of imperialism who keep gurkas troops occupying Haiti together with the assasin US Marines, while they are ready to accomplish the capitalist restoration in Cuba together with brothers Castro.

The fake “Bolivarian revolution” counted with the role of renegades of Trotskyism to impose such aim. The role played by LIT, which from the leadership of ELAC (Latin American and Caribbean Summit of Workers) subbordinated the most militant sector of the workign class vanguard to the “bolivarian” bourgeoisie. They supported the bureaucrat Montes of COB, the one who supported Evo Morales who sold out the Bolivian revolution; they subordinated militant dock workers of Oakland -who paralized imperialist docks against Iraq war- to Obama’s feet; they also supported Chavist union bureaucracy in Venezuela. Therefore they played the role of being the “left” of the lackey native bourgeoisie.

This “bolivarian” governments, by controlling and defeating the most militant sector with their policy of class collaboration, stabilized the counterrevolutionary pacts with imperialism to liquidate the anti-imperialist combats of the continent. They guarantee that the costs of the world economic crisis be paid by their woking classes with millions of lay-off, exploitation, plunder and repression. They came to aplaud and support the regime of Social Pact and Kirchners’ government, because they are who expropriated Argentinean and Latin American revolution in the first five years of 21st century. That is what all “bolivarian” govenments, lackeys of imperialism, celebrated on the boxes!

A huge device to cover the “plan of reconciliation” of the masses with the genocide Armed Forces-FF.AA-.

What was really behind the scam of Bicentenary was the imposition of the “plan of reconciliation” of the masses with the assasin cast of officers of the army, a real massacrer of the working class. Therefore Kirchners organized the Army parade, supported by Latin American governments, bosses parties, the Church, union bureaucracy and Madres and Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo. The army paraded for the first time since 1983, this time on the Bicentenary celebrations. The officer caste couldn’t even go out after `76 dictatorship and after sending youth to die in Malvinas war, while they cowardly surrendered before English pirates. Today Kirchners’ government and their agents recomposed the battered army –which was delegitimized and almost dissolved- who couldn’t repressed the masses never againt after 1983. They are preparing the army to smash mercilessly the next revolutionary upraising of the masses that retakes the path of 2001.

That was the final step of the “plan of reconciliation”. The other steps were the “Trials of the military juntas” (“Juicios a las Juntas”); then the law of Due Obedience and Full Stop Acts and Pardons (“Law of Obediencia Debida, Punto Final”) Then they corrupted the Human Rights movements by repaying for the families of the dissappeared people during the dictatorship with money. Later on this “plan of reconciliation” continued with the videlist-peronist-radical judge caste (who were judges during Videla’s dictatorship as well as during Peronists and UCR governments) and their fake of imprisoning some old militaries in luxury prisons –from where they keep conspiring against the masses- while they imprisioned and tortured the best fighters of the working class, like the comrades from Las Heras. That policy was celebrated by the whole reformist left who embellished it by saying that those resolutions of the bosses’ justice were “historical judgments”. Today, by the hand of Kichners the army do parades again to complete the imposition of the “reconciliation”,  while they made appear the rests of the bodies of the disappeared in order to impose the “mourning”.

They want to end up recomposing and relegitimizing the Armed Forces completely that facing the threat of revolution went out to the streets with its tanks to massacre the working class to save the private property of the whole bourgeoisie.

This is the officer cast that they want to make us reconcile with. From it emerged all paramilitary groups, like the Argentina Patriotic League during Yrigoyen government, which chased and killed workers leaders. Fifty years later, under the wing of Peron’s “democratic” government, Triple A was borned organized by Lopez Rega, captain Villar and union bureaucracy, with the only aim of murdering workers activism that was confronting the plans of ajudment and plunder of the nation, opening the doors of Videla dictatorship.

This plan is to forget, forgive and reconciliate with the assasin army and was established in this Bicentenary celebrations.
That is why the Pinochetists Piñera –Chile’s new president- applauded thrilled the float of Madres de Plaza de Mayo parading together with the genocide army. Unfortunately all the “anti-party” speech that Madres de Plaza de Mayo held for years, today proves to be the most partidarian of all. They have become unofficial Ministers of the anti-worker government of Kichner. They have renegaded of all their struggle and join the speech of “national unity” of the bosses, business chambers like UIA –which were behind all military antiworkers coups-. Down with the “plan of reconciliation” of exploited with the genocide officers cast of the Argentinean army! We don’t foget, we don’t forgive and we don’t reconcialite!

Those who celebrate are the sellers out of the nation to imperialism

During the celebrations of Bicentenary native semicolonial bourgeoisie talked on “sovereignity” and “independence”. They have proved for decades their absolute cowardice and submission to imperialism. All the governments have paid 270 billion dollars of the fake foreign debt. Kirchners government paid 45 billion dollars to IMF and in interests is going to pay for other 6 billions. All that is without taking into account the millions of dollars plunder by Royalties, registers and needless to say flight of capitals. They gave away to transnationals octopus most of the rich lands, they guarantee the plunder of oil, minerals and raw matherials. They proved their complete cowardice before the extraction of oil on the occupied Malvinas islands. Because the native bourgeoisie can’t guarantee completely and effectively national liberation from imperialism, but it is its agent to guarantee superexploitation and the plunder of the nation.

The oligarchy of yesterday was lackey of British imperialism and the ones of today are servants of US imperialims and Borbons crown!

The “Bolivarians” came to support the so called “national unity” on behalf of “Latin American unity”. But Chavez is one of the main suppliers of oil of US imperialism –oil to make work the war machinery that massacres in Middle East and all over the planet-. Lula came and he is agent of both US and French imperialisms that plunder and exploit Brazil. Also came Evo Morales who is an agent of French Total and Repsol, and made a pact with Fascist Media Luna –US agent- against workers and peasants masses in Bolivia to maintain the plunder of hydrocarbons.

 “Latin American unity” that “bolivarians” proclaim is the bargaining with imperialism to get some scrums of the imperialsit plunder of the bloodstained Latin America!

Only the working class, breaking with all subordination to the bourgeoisie and leading with its fight the whole exploited classes, can liberate the nation from imperialism and solve the problem of land in hands of the imperialist monopolies by the triumph of the socialist revolution as a link of a single American revolution!

Not to the payment of the foreign debt! Expropriation without compensation and under worker control of all imperialist transnationals! Expropriation of the imperialist and national banks under worker control and unique state bank! Nationalization of foreign commerce! Down with the political, economic and military treatments made with imperialism!
British out of Malvinas! US out of Latin America! NATO basses out of Malvinas! For the military defeat of US and UN troops in Haiti, first of all “gurkas” Argentinean troops!

A history of heroic workers actions and bosses massacres.
Only with the triumph of the socialist revolution the proletariat will settle accounts with their killers.

In this Bicentennial, working class has its own truth that has nothing to do with the deception of the bourgeoisie and its sweet phrases. Those who were in those luxury boxes, in the Tedeum in the  Theater Colón's reopening , etc., are the same class and same bosses' parties that, together with the murderous armed forces, massacred the working class over 15
0 years.
The Kirchner government, the anti-worker opposition of Carrio, Cobos, Macri, the officer caste, etc. are the successors of the massacres led by the conservative oligarchy to smash the best of the workers vanguard that during the oligarchic rule of Figueroa Alcorta while preparing for the Centenary celebrations on 1 May 1909,  called on the murderer of workers, Ramon L. Falcon, to suppress a demonstration called by the FORA anarchists in the Plaza Lorea , which left 12 dead, over 100 injured and hundreds arrested.
They are the successors of those who, in January 1919 brutally suppressed the strike of workers in the Metal Workshops Vasena, claiming the reduction of working time from 11 to 8 hours, improved sanitation, effective Sunday rest, increased wages and the reinstatement of the dismissed delegates. The repression led by the young lieutenant Juan Domingo Perón left dozens dead and hundreds injured and arrested.
They are the followers of the Rebel Patagonia murderers that in 1921, led by Yrigoyen and the Radical Civic Union, sent to suppress the strike broke out in Santa Cruz by rural workers who were demanding the end of working hours up to 16 hours with salaries paid in bonds and Sunday as the only day of rest. The "democratic" government of Yrigoyen ended the strike killing more than 1,500 workers and making workers return to work in worse conditions, applying the full weight of the winning bosses, throwing like rats with that vile Residency Law the leaders and labor activists who had come to the country escaping from poverty and war in Europe. It's the same bourgeoisie loyal servant of English, Yankees or European interests, that today from the government condemned the immigrant Bolivian, Paraguayans, Peruvians, etc. workers to be overexploited. The same bourgeois ruling class that 80 years later, on December 20, 2001, murdered on the streets more than 30 fighters facing the government of gorilla De la Rua shouting "Everybody Out, Nobody left! "
They are the followers of the sellers out of the nation to imperialism, who yesterday signed the 1933 Roca-Runciman pact, entering "as a direct colony in the British Commonwealth", as was reflected in the discourse of Roca (son) who argued that "Argentina is the most precious pearl of the English Crown "and now are giving away the nation's resources such as oil and minerals, and are servants of Anglo-Yankee imperialism that plunders and occupies the Malvinas/Falklands.
Like the Liberating Revolution of 1955 and the Frondizi government that with the plan Coninter militarized factories to chasten the working class as in the meat plant industry Lisandro de la Torre, in 1959, the Kirchners use the same methods as  they showed with the militarization ok Kraft-Terrabussi last year.
Today, the Kirchner government wants to reconcilite the killer officer caste with the exploited. That officers that in the '60s trained at the School of the Americas in Panama to crush the "red" threat and who acted on the Night of the Long Canes and Cordobazo, and then deployed their full arsenal of terror during the dictatorship of 1976-1983.
In this Bicentennial celebration, working class has nothing to celebrate! On the contrary, the working class has to prepare revenge against those who drink a toast in the Bicentennial from their anti-worker boxes, against the same bourgeoisie that submitted workers to massacres and exploitation over 150 years.

 The Argentinean working class must re-take their best traditions of revolutionary and internationalist combat to defeat the anti-worker infamous regime of the Social Pact

The history of Argentinean working class witnessed that its pages of glory, of battles and conquests, were marked by an internationalist and anti-imperialist struggle. Because the process of the working class formation had to do with thousands and thousands of European immigrant workers expelled from their lands and brought as labor-force to produce to Argentina that began to be industrialized to global capitalism. But these workers came from the experience of the European proletariat who already was starring huge revolutionary combats in the old continent.
Thus, the first wage increases and reduced working hours were won with strikes by workers typographer in 1878. Strikes organized by workers in exiled from the glorious Paris Commune that terrorized the world bourgeoisie. It was coordinated with a strike of typographers in Montevideo, Uruguay, which ensured the strike to be sustained for more than a month and imposed all the demands.
The heroic Patagonia Rebelde was also prepared by immigrant workers in the far reaches of southern of Argentina who ensured the strike organization of rural workers for the end of working days from 12 to 16 hours and wage payments in currencies, as the oligarchy paid with food stamps. The heroic fighters of La Patagonia Rebelde were militants of the Third International and the Russian Revolution of October 1917.
In the 30s, where the construction proletariat starred historical strikes, the Argentinean working class took the streets of Buenos Aires with massive demonstrations of solidarity with the Spanish working class against fascism and organized international brigades to go to fight the civil war against Franco.
The early wage conquests, working shifts of 8 hours, better working conditions and organization of the first unions were huge Argentinean working-class internationalist fights!
The historical internationalist tradition of working class was liquidated by the betrayal of Stalinism. The Communist Party, with its leader Peter, sold out the glorious meat industry strike in 1945 with the policy of class collaboration led by Moscow. The PC sold out the strike so that Argentina sells meat to the imperialist "democratic front" at war. Later, this treason guaranteed for Peronism the labor movement control and the smash of class independence that too expensive the Argentinean working class paid for.

The proletariat must regain its class independence and internationalist tradition, which is what the treacherous leaderships liquidated to submission proletariat to the bourgeoisie. This is an immediate need just when the character of the time of crises, wars and revolutions get acute at the heat of global crisis of imperialism. The ruling classes only find out ruthlessly attacking the working class and exploited to make them pay for the crisis. The Argentinean bourgeoisie is celebrating, but when the Chinese crack bursts out, their business will fall down and violent clashes between the classes will be inevitable.
The allies of the working Argentina's class who today rebel against Social Pact by struggling for wages, work and attacking transnational like in Córdoba, Neuquén, Andalgalá and Mosconi, are the industrial workers in Bolivia facing Evo Morales' Pact with Fascism Media Luna; the allies of the Argentina's working class are the Greek exploited and their struggles for capitalists to pay for the crisis. The allies of Argentinean exploited are the workers in Kyrgyzstan who overthrew their anti-working government and armed themselves to win bread, as yesterday did the workers and soldiers of Madagascar in South Africa.
To conquer this unity is necessary to break with all subordination to the bourgeoisie that reformist leaderships impose on the fighting workers organizations by dividing the proletariat country by country. This can only be achieved by an internationalist fraction of the working class. A fraction which is the fusion of advanced workers with the internationalists FLTI who fight for re-founding the Fourth International of 1938 to defeat the treacherous leaderships of the world proletariat and lead the socialist revolution to the triumph. These advanced workers have already had an experience with the reformist left of the renegades of Trotskyism that are the left of the Bicentennial. It is the left of submission to the ministries of labor and "historical judgments" of the boss’s justice. For this left "never there are conditions" to coordinate workers in struggle; they are the left supporters of the union bureaucracy and its "organic bodies”; they are the left of the fake " Bolivarian revolution. So, not surprisingly, the reformist left and the renegades of Trotskyism were part of the Bicentennial celebration. PCR, PO, PTS, MST, etc., held a rally on May 25 in Plaza Lorea under the slogan "for a definitive independence" and the "non-payment of external debt." What bastards! They are followers of the disastrous policy of class collaboration of the PC, with which subordinated all the revolutionary struggles of the masses of the continent to "progressive native bourgeoisies." Under the leadership of Castro, Chavez and Ju Jintao, the reformist left and the renegades of Trotskyism have led the working class to the feet of the bourgeoisie and its institutions a thousand times. The advanced workers must break with that infamous left of the "Social Pact" regime.
Under a revolutionary leadership, the working class can return to the path of proletarian internationalism and so ensure the victory in the coming battles already beginning to develop in old Europe, the Middle East or enslaved China, and in this epoch of sudden changes, wars and revolutions, workers will again be pushed into the path of revolution.
Editorial Board

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